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Busit Smart Energy – Industries

Smart Energy

Energy supervision for industries

Busit Smart Energy is an operational and energy efficiency solution designed to meet the specific energy efficiency and resource management needs of industry. Based on the Busit AEP platform, this solution offers advanced monitoring, optimization and analysis functionalities for optimal energy management.

Thanks to its customization, powerful automation and advanced analytics, you’ll uncover new opportunities to improve your operational performance while effectively managing your energy consumption.

With Busit Smart Energy, you can simplify the management of your resources (water, gas, electricity, fuel oil, etc.), control your production machines and optimize your manufacturing processes. The result? More informed energy management, enhanced environmental performance, improved yields and controlled costs.

Web and mobile applications for visualization and action

Publication of useful information, mapping, operational or high-level indicators, results of stream & deep analysis in real time.


Busit Smart Energy Industries - Efficience énergétique pour l'industrie

 Web and Smartphone applications for…

Image pour page efficience énergétique


Operational staff: global and site-by-site supervision

Image industrie pour efficience énergétique


Decision-makers: high-level management with financial indicators 

Image efficience énergétique pour l'industrie et le bâtiment

End and external users: users, customers, partners

Ecran efficience énergétique vue d'ensemble

Energy supervision for industries


  • Precise measurement of consumption: electricity, power, gas, oil, water, temperature, water temperature
  • Comparaison and targets: compare current data with previous years to assess your progress and set targets
  • Supervision by equipement, by site, overall

Environmental monitoring


  • Optimum air quality: monitor emissions and pollution levels.
  • Environmental control: manage temperature, humidity and other environmental parameters to maintain ideal conditions.
Efficience énergétique - Mesures
Busit Smart Energy - Efficacité énergétique

Advanced, predictive and financial analysis



  • Accurate indicators: calculate EnPI and KPI for precise and relevant measurements.
  • Comparative analysis: compare performance between different years and sites to identify best practices and improvement opportunities.
  • Anomaly detection: identify anomalies and leverage detailed statistics for continuous optimization.
  • Cost control: monitor consumption costs to better control your budget.

Customization and deployment


  • Generate energy, financial and performance measurement reports for a complete view of your operations.
  • Customize thresholds, alerts and calculations to meet your specific needs.
Busit Smart Energy - Rapport de consommation énergétique

Use cases: discover examples of our achievements in industry, construction and urban infrastructure