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Busit SAS announces the release of the latest version of Busit Application Enablement Platform, version 5.0.

Busit SAS announces the release of the latest version of Busit Application Enablement Platform, version 5.0.

Nice, France – March 02, 2023 – Busit SAS announces the release of the latest version of Busit Application Enablement Platform, version 5.0.

This new version of the operational intelligence and energy efficiency platform features a number of improvements and enhancements designed to improve performance, security and user experience.

These upgrades provide companies with even more agile solutions for their operations.

With powerful capabilities, enhanced security measures and highly intuitive interfaces, Busit Application Enablement Platform Version 5.0 is the next-generation, out-of-the-box solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve energy efficiency.


Out-of-the-box business solutions and Plug & Play technology


One of the most important enhancements in Busit AEP version 5 is the enrichment of Smart Solutions, which are models for Smart City, Smart Building, Energy Efficiency, Smart Mall, Smart Button, Smart Storm, Smart Worksite and Smart Watering.

These out-of-the-box solutions allow companies to create Operational Intelligence solutions more easily and quickly for their specific use cases.


Improved performance, openness and scalability


Brokers for real-time information collection, aggregation and processing have undergone major changes to provide faster response times, resulting in substantial performance improvements.


Busit Application Enablement Platform can now handle a greater volume of data and has increased efficiency with lower system resource requirements, whether running in the Cloud or On-Premise.


The software has also been migrated to Docker and includes TomCat, Redis, ActiveMQ, MariaDB, httpd, Brokers, MongoDB, Handlers, and integrates security and Docker Compose.


Busit AEP supports new BusApps (connectors and processing) such as Zenner, Itron, Power BI, AppInsights, Webhook Secure, Decode Excel and Actility V2. 


The logs have been enhanced with reduced information for the narrower levels and improved descriptions of processes and exchanges for the broader levels.


Security and identity management


In terms of security, a major evolution concerns the management of access rights: administrators can now import and export accounts, give authorization and administration rights to users and add authorization pages (notably based on a field) in a dynamic way.


Busit AEP version 5 also includes multi-factor authentication and brute force protection (captcha, Ban IP).


These additions strengthen the security of the platform, providing better protection against cyber-attacks.


Applications for designers and end users: new interfaces and features


Version 5 of Busit Application Enablement Platform introduces mobile push notifications for instant updates of important information.


Widgets have been significantly enhanced with new features, including a map widget with clustering and ESRI web maps, a curve widget with dynamic selection and dotted lines and a table widget with actions and comments. The software also includes Curve widgets, form with multiple photo uploads and password entry, enhanced filters with multiple selection and sequential data processing.


Dashboard Studio also allows for automated generation of formatted reports, with results in PDF and Word. This feature facilitates the creation of fully customized reports with automatic delivery to end users.


BusApps and Widgets now have documentation and online help built into the software.


In summary, version 5 of Busit Application Enablement Platform brings a number of improvements that enhance the security, accessibility and customization of business solutions.


With the enhancement of Busit Smart Solutions, the addition of new connectors and integrated documentation, platform users benefit from an even more comprehensive and easy-to-use platform for their operational intelligence and energy efficiency projects.




Busit Application Enablement Platform Version 5.0 is available now and is currently deployed to several Busit SAS customers as part of their upgrade maintenance and subscription contracts.