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Busit Application Enablement Platform

The software platform for your turnkey operational intelligence and energy efficiency solutions

Busit Application Enablement Platform is a software platform that addresses the cross-cutting needs of the building and industry sectors, enabling the generation and hosting of multiple use cases such as :

  • Energy efficiency.
  • Equipment maintenance.
  • Resource management.
  • Protection of the environment and people.
  • Space and comfort optimization.
  • Follow-up of the services.
  • Security.
  • Space optimization.
  • Mobility.

Realize your business solutions to meet your operational intelligence and energy efficiency needs, from data collection to advanced analysis through Artificial Intelligence.



Designed for operational, functional and technical



Visible results without the need for heavy integration



A treatment time at the scale of very large volumetrics

Your operational intelligence solutions based on your material, IT and human flows

Busit Application Enablement Platform allows you to agilely build your business solutions including a multitude of functionalities such as:


  • Collection, aggregation, processing (Big Data and Machine Learning) and transformation into time series of real-time data flows.
  • Web and Smartphone supervision applications with dynamic visualizations dedicated to each profile (operational, decision-maker, user, etc.), adapted to each business and customizable.
  • Advanced information processing and analysis processes, both on the fly and retroactively: calculation of indicators (KPIs, IPEs, etc.), statistics, predictive analysis, and anomaly detection based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
  • Management of hardware and applications.
  • Management of interventions with logs.
  • Multi-channel alert system (email, SMS, calls, etc.)
  • Storage and archiving of useful information.
  • Automated production of periodic reports (CSV, Excel, PDF, Word).
  • Interaction with applications and resources of the information system and external systems.

Business-oriented interfaces

No-Code technology for fast and concrete results:


  • Flow management is based on more than 230 BusApps (micro-applications) for collection, analysis and processing.
  • BusApps are orchestrated via intuitive business rule management interfaces.
  • The applications are created graphically with more than 65 widgets and from existing business models, the Busit Smart Solutions.

A rich set of services with high added value

To process applications, industrial equipment, machine to machine (M2M), Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Busit Application Enablement Platform provides standard features such as business process management, big data analytics, mapping, real-time flow processing, interoperability, Data Lake storage, or end-point encryption.

Business Process Management

Interfaces specific to each profile

Drag & Drop and If-Then modes

Stream & advanced Analytics (Big Data)

Applications and dashboards ready to use and configurable in drag & drop

Widgets management, mapping, ground plans, reports

Interoperability with many industrial protocols, M2M and IoT: Modbus, LoRaWan, Sigfox, RFID, BLE, 3G / 4G / 5G, MQTT, etc.

Cloud, Web services and business applications connectors: ERP, CRM, asset management, calendars, etc.

Accessibility to IT resources: messaging, databases, telephony, diaries, etc.

Encryption of flows, transactions, data

Identity management and access for people, equipment

Single Sign On

Accessibility to all Busit AEP services in REST API

Modular and scalable architecture, in Cloud and on Premise

Built-in modeling, automatic deployment, dashboard, scenarios import and export

Fully customizable interfaces

SDK for fast design of BusApps (Busit Applications), connectors and data processing applications

Multiple development languages for adding BusApps: Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python

Proof of concept ? Pilot site? Deployment ?

Agility giving concrete results 3 times faster

Collection and control

Aggregate large amounts of data from your urban or industrial services


Produce in real time your Smart Data, analysis, performance and prevention indicators

Process management

Integrate your internal, industrial or maintenance rules


Publish your results for users, operational and decision-makers

Control your infrastructure from the solutions you have generated

The solutions built with Busit AEP benefit from all the services of the platform

With solutions made from Busit AEP, you will be able to:

  • Orchestrate your applications, urban and industrial equipment, with existing connectivity with most application protocols, M2M and IoT.
  • Provide intelligent views of useful information from services provided by the city, building or factory.
  • Exchange with your information system and your users.

A robust and scalable base

An evolution without service interruption through a fully modular and scalable architecture

Busit AEP scalability

Busit AEP offers the ability to progressively support a very large volume of equipment, applications and flows. The implementation can thus begin on pilot sites, the latter being enriched in agile mode of new features and materials. The solution will be deployed in a second time in mass with the ability to provide levels of operators service offers.

In what environment do you wish to start?
Are you in an isolated site, in a private / public cloud, or considering full support for services? Busit AEP adapts to your needs with an ease of deployment and evolution already proven.